I'm reading this in my bedroom, watching a newscast, eating an oatmeal cookie. The reporter on TV just proclaimed, "This is the calm before the storm." I'm sure he's correct.
Yes, I prepared. I've stocked up on food and water. I've gassed up the car. Have a little extra cash so that when the ATM's and cash registers aren't taking credit cards, I'll be still be okay.
I vacuumed. Weird, how some women's minds turn to cleanliness, but... well, mine did. (Apparently it doesn't take hell freezing over.) A farmer friend gave me some great supplies from his fields; I stored them as best I could. Dried some.
I've done my laundry. Washed my dishes. Stuffed my freezer with bottles of ice. I have three flashlights; kitchen, bathroom and nightstand. Lots and lots of batteries, too.
There is no doubt the power will go out. I expect to wake up to darkness. I'm betting power will already be off. I have spare cellphone clocks that can be counted on to wake me up. My toothbrush is charged.
They said I should unplug the appliances. I'm not sure what that's about. The neighbors taped their windows. Another neighbor and his wife and I were discussing whether we really think that will help. I guess we decided it doesn't because none of us did.
A friend's husband told me he worries about me; I live at ground level. That's true, I do. But... I also live on ground level at the top of a hill. On the other side of the interstate and down at the bottom of a couple of other hills... that's where the Potomac River is. I could see it going down I-395 before it made it here.
So I'm feeling pretty good about this. I have to go to work tomorrow. I'm guessing I'll hop in the car, take 3-4 peanut butter sandwiches, a blanket and pillow and my hurricane gear (thanks ABC News!) and go to work in the afternoon. I can't see showing up early, since I may not make it home in the evening.
I won't be checking in here but email will get through. The cellphone should work for the first few days. Power will definitely be out for several days, if not a full week.
About the only thing I haven't been able to find a work around on is... if you're looking for me on the street, I'll be the one having a very bad hair day.
Post-Sandy Update: the Super-Storm came through Washington. Yawn.