04 November 2008

What Will We Talk About On Thursday?

I think we can all expect that on Wednesday, the day after the voting, we will still be talking about who was elected. The media will do the most unsufferably long examination of the campaign and a completely over-the-top, self-absorbed and outright self-destructive examination of the coverage in which we'll find ourselves completely innocent of all charges of bias in reporting and covering the election.

Not exactly news, but we'll call it that, yes?

So what will we talk about on Thursday? It's rather like the 1970's housewife who has to answer the daily grinding question of what's for dinner?

Here are a few of my suggestions:

Global warming?
Child Poverty in Orange County, CA?
Internet Marketing?
Nut harvesting in the Amazon?
Why Gas Prices Always Go Up Stunningly AFTER an Election?
The Economy? (Stupid!)
The Ethics of Being Giving More Lower Priced Christmas Gifts Manufactured by 7-Year Olds in Southeast Asia or Fewer Higher Priced Gifts Made by Overpaid Kentuckians?
Inflation in Apartment Living in Dubai?

But please, no more Proposition 8.